5 Simple Tips For Meditation Beginners
If you've heard of all the benefits of meditation and are curious, but don't know where to start, don't worry! I've listed 5 simple solutions below to common problems I encountered myself as a beginner.
1. It Doesn't Have To Take Long
It's often assumed that meditation has to be a formal and dedicated practice. I personally don't think it needs to last more than 5 minutes. I would even say it could take as long as a few seconds. Whatever amount of time you have to spare for meditation, that's as long as it needs to be. If you're busy and can only commit to 2 minutes, than that is all the time you need. But if you think you're too busy to meditate, that's probably when you need meditation the most.
2. Use A Guide
When you're just trying out meditation for the first couple of times, it can be easy to question if you're even doing it right. You sit there in silence, distracted as ever, wondering, "Am I supposed to feel something?" Don't worry, I've been there. When you think you need a little direction in your practice, feel free to use a guide. If there are meditation studios in your area of residence, I would suggest trying a class, but if you don't have that privilege there's always the internet! Youtube is a great way to discover meditation. It's how I started, actually. Look up guided meditation videos for whatever topic you want to tackle and watch it for as many times as you feel it's helping you. Then, when you're ready, move on to another video or start meditating with just music, or in silence.
3. Just Breathe Through It
People I've talked to about meditation that don't resonate with the concept of it often tell me they have trouble concentrating in silence, and they tend to let their thoughts wander to the point of no return. What they usually don't realize is, that's common and it's normal. You can't simply shut your brain off. If you've never meditated before, no one expects you to be comfortable right away. The key is to allow. Allow the thoughts to flood your brain. Let them be there, let them drift away like a cloud, and let them go. Then, return to your breath. Focus on your breathing. Next time your mind wanders, let it, but realize what it's doing and eventually return again to the breath.
4. Confront The Negative Voice
So say you're meditating and allowing now, but all of a sudden you are overcome with negative thoughts. You remember an embarrassing thing you said or did years ago. You are worried about if you turned the stove off earlier. Or maybe something darker comes up: a traumatic experience you are reminded of from your past. You become overwhelmed with anger at yourself for a number of different reasons and you hear a voice telling you everything negative about yourself. The fear of facing the "demons" keeps a lot people from going within. They are not only afraid of what they may find, but that it has been a part of them all along. I choose to believe that what stands on the other side of fear is... nothing. When you choose to confront what you fear the most, it cowers and crumbles beneath you. Fear is an illusion. Sometimes what we fear most is the dark or hidden aspects of ourselves - that negative voice in our heads. I understand the worry that meditation might keep you trapped in the negative self-talk of your mind, but in actuality, it can set you free from it. Hear the voice telling you you're "not good enough," "not worthy," or "unloved." Realize the voice is not really you. You can separate yourself from it. Tell it it's wrong and it's weak. You are STRONG. You ARE good enough. You ARE worthy. You ARE loved. If you're wanting to find yourself, this is so important. Because on the other side of fear could be... you.
5. It's Okay If You Fall Asleep
Lastly, I just would like to point out that, yes, many people also have the issue of dozing off during meditation. That's okay! Honestly, if your body is so peaceful that it falls asleep, then let it. Maybe it needs the rest. You can still receive the benefits of a guided meditation or sound healing while asleep, and there will definitely be less resistance to it. However, if it becomes an ongoing issue, try meditating in the morning or at a time when you are less likely to be drowsy. And in general, get more sleep!! You deserve it dear.