Subliminals: The Beginning

Subliminals have been on Youtube for a years now, but as a relatively new Youtuber, I never thought to try them out until recently.

A subliminal video is a video with hidden messages played at a volume that is either very low or practically inaudible to the conscious mind. These videos usually have binaural beats playing in the background and some form of music or natural sounds. The messages are meant to sink into your subconscious while you listen. Essentially hypnosis, but you're fully conscious and awake. It's recommended to watch them daily to begin to see results.

Important to note: Do not keep listening to any subliminal video that leaves you feeling sad or low afterward. Your mind is a precious thing. Don't give the power to control it away to someone you don't trust. You can even make your own subliminal video if you want to have total control.

Please comment and let me know if you have any experience with subliminals!


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